Logo Color Scheme

See these logos, they have something in common. They both have warm color schemes. Warm colors, if you didn't know, are colors that seem to have a hot theme on them. These colors are yellow, yellow-orange, orange, red-orange, and red. These colors give a very warms feeling, hints the name, and can make you hungry. Where your most likely to find this is in a restaurant and fast food places such as, McDonalds, Wendy's, Golden Corral, etc. These logos are considered cool colors. Cool colors give a cold feel and the can make you loose your appetite, which is why most restaurants don't use cool colors. They do however give a thirsty feeling. Cool colors are, purple, blue-purple, blue, blue-green, green, and yellow-green. There are no companies that use cool colors to make customers thirsty, but companies that use cool colors are Facebook, twitter, and Firefox. The logos here are complementary color scheme. Complementary colors are directly across from e...