CSS Project

CSS Project overview The CSS Project was to demonstrate CARP (Contrast, Alignment, Repetition, Proximity). These are the major parts of making a good poster or just anything to get someones attention. Also the project was to teach us what dreamweaver can do. Contrast The contrast is what you see first. The brightest thing on a dark screen or vise versa. Otherwise you can make what you want the viewers to see bigger. An example is if you were selling a Delicious Cheeseburger you would make the background black and the words you want the audience to see big and white. Alignment The alignment is the placement of the text usually on the left or right for a more professional look. The title can be in the middle but the text should almost always be on the side. what this also does is allows for a easy-to-read paper Repetition Repetition is usually keeping a style and sticking to a writing style throughout the paper. Basically don't have one middle heading and one ri...