Short Film (final)

Short Film (Final)
 from April to May, me and five others worked on a short film for video class. The video was the hardest as we needed to have 3-5 minutes worth of footage as opposed to 1-2 minutes. The video was also not a parody like the movie trailer project. Before the project we had to completely change the script leaving only one shot in from it in the final video. This was a massive hurdle as we didn't start out with a good script (sorry).  When filming we found out that we were missing a storyboard, a crucial part to filming, and instead we needed to make up some shots resulting in a very very long shot. The film was a goofy comedy about a gamer who got robbed by a unskilled robber. While the video was very successful in making people laugh at funny scenes. The video was still with flaws such as we didn't show footage of the robber going up stairs after the fact of he was behind the gamer when he started looking for the robber. Another small but still a challenge was time for filming. We wanted to film at night for a scary tone but it didn't happen as their was no good weekend times for everyone. However, a good thing most of everyone in our group did was stay on task when we were done. After the script was finished, some of us just chilled while others finished up the storyboard, production schedule and learned editing skills. this resulted in no extra time outside of class to finish the video.


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